What To Expect From Your First T’ai Chi Class

What To Expect From Your First T’ai Chi Class

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If you are new to t’ai chi ch’uan and considering enrolling in a t’ai chi class in Northern Colorado, you are embarking on a great adventure, one which will take you to some fascinating places.  During your journey, you will learn much about yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.  It is a time that can feel a bit strange at first, a bit challenging at times, but always rewarding. It all begins with your first t’ai chi class. 

Every t’ai chi instructor approaches the first class with their own style.  My first classes begin with an equal mix of information and performance.  The information portion is designed to put you at ease by allowing me to introduce myself to you about my own t’ai chi journey. I also address any concerns you might have about whether this class is right for you and how you can succeed in it. I will make suggestions about practical topics, such as what clothing to wear to class, how to practice at home, and guide you to printed, audio, and video resources that will enhance your study.

The performance section of the class begins with simple warm-up exercises that will prepare your body and mind for performing the opening movements of t’ai chi ch’uan.  These easy warm-ups will become part of your daily practice routine and will help ensure that your learning experience is both a pleasant and comfortable one.  

After you are warmed up, you will learn the first two t’ai chi postures—Preparation and Beginning. These two movements form the foundation for all the succeeding ones and are essential for moving your body’s vital energy, your qi (pronounced “chee.”) 

Is T’ai Chi Right for Me?

Some of you have enrolled in my t’ai chi class because you are facing physical challenges—traumas, chronic back or knee pain, problems with balance or walking, and even serious illnesses such as cancer or Parkinson’s disease. While t’ai chi has been found to help with all these ailments, you should not expect them to improve markedly in just one class.  Rather you should consider your first class to be one of many steps on your journey back to good health.

Some of you have joined my t’ai chi class to address mental and emotional issues—stress, anxiety, depression—that are degrading your quality of life. There have been many studies that have shown that t’ai chi can help with all of these ailments, and you may experience positive results immediately.  

But for lasting relief, you will need to allow yourself time to heal by persevering in your studies of t’ai chi.   Your journey begins with that first class and your willingness to take the initial step.

Create New Friendships with T’ai Chi 

Finally, many of you arrive at your first class seeking to make new friends, or to just have fun. Students who are drawn to t’ai chi are often seeking to meet others who share common interests. Many students in my classes make life-long friendships that continue both in and out of class. I’ve seen some of these friendships have lasted for decades. Ultimately, you will have fun in class. 

People who practice the movements of t’ai chi are often referred to as “t’ai chi players,” and you will find that my light and easy approach to learning makes class time more play than work. Once you get over the natural reluctance many of us have to try something new, your initial hesitancy will quickly turn into joy and enthusiasm.

Sign Up for a T’ai Chi Class in Northern Colorado

All of these benefits begin when you sign up for your first class. I enroll several classes a year—see my website for my current schedule. I would love to have you join us, and I hope to see you soon!
